Universal Connection! …”Wisdom of The Soul”

The “Wisdom of The Soul” Show, with Host Janice Fuchs, LCSW   …Connecting to Universal Love and Wisdom through your Connection to Your Soul!

This Monday, Janice has an article for you:

Universal Connection…
When we put down today’s story, give this novel a rest, gently put it on the table, we have a moment with our authentic Self. This Self is never affected by thoughts, worries, concerns, and anxieties.
It is the stability we look for in an unstable world; it is the constant we look for in other people’s personalities and within ourselves.
The drama of our lives is always so intriguing, challenging, and enticing it makes putting the story down seem impossible, but it is not.
When we leave this story and return to the Self-observing this story, we have met our Soul-Self.
Returning to this Self, we gain a new perspective. We don’t lose ourselves, and our lives are not minimized or criticized. We return with the fullness of our authentic knowing.
Knowing that behind the drama that seems to divide us can never do so. Thoughts and feelings seem to separate- cannot. Like dark clouds can obscure the Sun, but the Sun always shines and remains intact.
Our connection to each other is always intact and ready for us to tap into realizing our universal strength, love, and abundance. Today we can give our story a rest and spend time with the Self that waits patiently to step forward and shine through our day!
~ Love & Light, Janice
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