Chat Readings! ….Because Sometimes You Just Need Answers Quick & Easy!

I’ve noticed a trend …Many of my regular Clients are not bothering with the formal Reading process, and are just Jumping On Chat (Facebook Messenger), to ask me questions!

I guess this makes sense – Sometimes you just need Answers, and you want them Quickly & Easily! We are all busy these days, and with the Internet and Social Media, we are used to fast information…..

But I feel uncomfortable charging my normal Reading rate of $97, for these quick, informal sessions on Chat ………..So I decided to create a Special, just for THIS! …If you just want to ask some questions on Facebook Messenger, I am offering these Chat Sessions for Just $27!

Just Send Me Message:

U.S. Clients can pay directly on Facebook Messenger! NO FEES! …For Client around the world, I also have other options …FB is slowly rolling this out in other countries.

….I include your Numerology in my regular sessions, but I won’t be able to offer that, with these quick, chat sessions – So if you’d like a Full Numerology Report, I am offering them for Just $19.97 (reg. $47)…. Delivered via Email… Just Send a Message (above)…

To Book a Regular FULL Session with me, Visit my Page at:


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