March 4, 2019

The Certified Angel Reiki Practitioner™ Course

30%-OFF for The Holidays!

….from Certified Master Angel Practitioner™ and Reiki Master Sharonah Rapseik! In this one-of-a-kind Certification Course, you will learn both traditional Usui Reiki, and also discover how to channel the seven colors of the rainbow from the “Angelic Rays” as healing light energy and infuse it into your Reiki sessions!

This Course consists of six (6) Online, self-paced Video Modules, plus Handouts, as well….

You will qualify for Angel Reiki Practitioner™ Certification, as well as Usui Level I, II, and Master Certifications!

Click the ENROLL NOW button below, to get the Holiday Special of Just $67!

NOTE: You will be contacted via email, after your purchase. Should you have questions or need help with your purchase, mail:

For Questions about the Course, please contact the instructor, Sharonah Rapseik:, or email:

Be sure to check out our other Courses and Workshops at Psychic-U!

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