March 2, 2019

The Certified Angel Practitioner™ Course

This is the original Certified Angel Practitioner™ Course AKA CAP™Course

This course is for ANYONE who wants to learn about the Angelic Realms and various ways to receive messages and guidance from the Angels!

The Certified Angel Practitioner™ Course is a self-paced, online course from Certified Master Angel Practitioner™,Maria G Maas. With this self-paced, online course, you can learn to work with The Angels just for yourself – OR – you can even become a Professional Certified Angel Practitioner™ (optional)

Course Enrollment is Temporarily Closed
The Course is being revamped for 2020!
To get on the “Waiting List” Contact Maria:

…from Maria G Maas: 

“I created the CAP™ Course in 2015. Since then, it has been the most popular course that is offered through the IAAP* – International Association of Angel Practitioners. Since then, many other courses with similar titles have arrived on the scene, but their content fail in comparison to the comprehensive, yet easy-to-learn format that I have put together.

PLUS… The personal coaching that I provide to my students throughout the course is second to none! I honestly believe that my course is the BEST VALUE to be found in this market today.”

*The Certified Angel Practitioner™ Course was created by, Maria G. Maas and is endorsed by the International Association of Angel Practitioners (IAAP). It is a foundational course for anyone who wants to learn how to bring The Angels into their life and work.

In this Course You Will Learn About:

  • Angelology Basics – What are Angels? Why and when did God create Angels? Do Angels have free will? What do Angels look like? How long ago were the angels named? And more… 
  • What is Vibrational Energy and How Does it Affect Our Ability to Communicate with the Angels?
  • How to Raise Your Vibrational Energy
  • How to Deal with Unwanted/Negative Vibrational Energy Creating Sacred Space
  • Grounding and Shielding
  • The Power of Prayer
  • Accessing Divine Wisdom and Angelic Guidance 
  • Preparing Yourself to Connect with the Angels 
  • Meditation Techniques
  • The Chakras
  • Ways that the Angels Communicate with Us
  • The Clairs
  • Identifying Your Strongest Clairs
  • Strengthening Your Intuition
  • Psychic Information VS Intuitive Information – Is there a difference? 
  • Connecting with Your Guardian Angel
  • Who are the Archangels?
  • Ways that the Archangels Assist Us
  • The Angelic Rays
  • Working With Angel Oracle Cards
  • Angel Crystals
  • How to Discern if It’s Angelic Guidance that You’re Receiving
  • How to Conduct an Angel Reading for Yourself
  • How to Conduct an Angel Reading for Someone Else
  • Angel Practitioners’ Code of Ethics
  • The Benefits of Working as An Angel Practitioner 

When You Enroll You will Receive Access to:

  • 6 Audio Modules in MP3 Format
  • Handouts and Charts in PDF Format
  • Guided Meditations in MP3 Format
  • Bonus audio content in MP3 Format
  • Access to our Private Facebook Group where you can practice with other students and course graduates
  • Private FB Messenger Chat Group for students and course graduates
  • For Students Pursuing Certification – You will be able to connect with Maria via Email or Private Chat if you have any questions or need assistance with any of the course requirements for certification

Required for Course Participation:

Recommended Reading:

Recommended Materials:

Testimonials the Certified Angel Practitioner™ Course

The Certified Angel Practitioner™ Course was anAMAZING experienceand has allowed me to grow in unexpected ways.  Istrongly recommendthat you sign-up for thiscourse if you are simply interested in learning about angels or want to become a certified angel practitioner. ~ Katherine P.

Thank you Maria your work has changed my life and given me hope. My wife has also registered for your course. I am again looking forward to my future again. Angel Blessings. ~ Roger M.

Thank you. I so enjoyed the course and your support. I offered readings to another group I belong to for practice. I had a fun time and great feedback. Thank you,the course has given me confidence in my gifts and myself.  ~ Delores W.

Be sure to check out our other Courses and Workshops at Psychic-U!

  • The Psychic-U!
  • Certified Life Coaching Course
  • Soul Realignment Program
  • Tarot by The Numbers™ Course
  • The Certified Angel Practitioner™ Course
  • Angel Reiki Course
  • Connecting with Angels Workshop
  • Card Reading Course...
  • Sanskrit Mantras Workshop
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