The Psychic & Tarot Maximizer Experience!

Develop Your Psychic Abilities & Intuition, Deepen Your Connection to The Cards, Enhance Your Readings, Effortlessly Learn & Recall Card Meanings, and Learn Valuable Tools for Yourself and To Use With Clients!

Open to Tarot Readers – Psychics – Mediums – Anyone in The Intuitive Arts

This is NOT another course, class, or workshop! …It is a LIVE Custom fully-immersive Experience, using techniques from Neuro-Linguistics, Energy Tapping, and Hypnosis, to Install powerful states of learning, confidence, psychic ability, connection to your intuition, a deeper connection to your cards, and enhance your performance as a Reader – Your Readings won’t be “good”, they’ll be AMAZING!

MASTERMIND ….Napoleon Hill said: “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” This is a Custom process, and we will be brainstorming powerful states & resources to elicit and install, as well as looking at blocks that may be preventing you from becoming the Excellent Reader you are meant to be! …This will inform the rest of the process:

LEARNING STATE ….Everything depends on state, from learning and recalling to being a Great Reader! We will be learning about this and entering The Learning State….

LENSING ….Through this powerful process called the Nominalization Lense Protocal, or Lensing, created by Master Hypnotherapist Dr. Mike Mandel, we will create for you a state which will be not unlike a “Lense”, through which you experience the entire world as a Master Reader. This makes Goal Setting obsolete and you will be able to use it in many other areas of your life!

CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE ….We will also be creating a Circle of Excellence to hold all of these states and resources, and that will fire them all off, right before your Readings.

READER ANCHOR ….We will then create another Resource Anchor, which will allow you to access states and information you need, during a Reading. Your clients won’t even know you are doing anything!

CLIENT FOCUS ….You will learn a client-centered approach that will not only contribute to your Readings being Amazing, but remove any anxieties you have.

ENERGY TAPPING ….We will be learning and using a faster center-line energy tapping protocol, which will allow us to both remove blockages and negative states, as well as to install powerful positive ones. You will also be adding this to your “Tool Belt” to help clients with their issues during a Reading, and for yourself, for clearing after Readings, tapping away residual energy from problem clients, and so on. Not to mention you can use this to help yourself in many other areas of your life, as well as for friends and loved ones!

LIVE HYPNOSIS ….This is not a pre-recorded, canned session, but rather a custom LIVE hypnosis experience that will lock-in all of these changes and resources we have been working with so far. We will secure the support of our subconscious minds to learn the Cards, with perfect recall, deepen our connection to them, install confidence as a Reader, plus elicit and install these resources and powerful states, many of which we are still unaware of! We will activate psychic abilities, deepen our connection to intuitive knowings, our connection to our subconscious, and super-conscious, then future-pace the perfect Master Reader YOU!

SELF HYPNOSIS ….Lastly, you will learn a self-hypnosis protocol that you can take with you after the Maximizer, and use yourself at home! We will discuss a program for studying the Cards, in which you will use this protocol to quickly learn and install the card meanings and have instant recall. You can also use the protocol to reinforce all of the states and resources you have acquired during the Maximizer, and further build on them, along with your psychic abilities and intuition!


1.) Dax’s Tarot by The Numbers™ Course on Tarot and Numerology! (a $197 value)
2.) FREE Membership in The Tarot Guild, the international organization for Professional Tarot Readers, Students and Enthusiasts since 2004! (a $47 value)
3.) FREE Tarot Certification! (a $47 value)
4.) Referral Affiliate Program – Receive commissions (priceless)
5.) Attend any future group Tarot Maximizer for FREE!
6.) Book additional private sessions for Just $97! (a $297 value) …These sessions can be used for further psychic development or any other issue you would like to work on! – ie: Public Speaking, Confidence, Stress, PTSD, Smoking Cessation, Weight Management, Pain Management, Fears, Anxiety and so on!

Group Maximizers

Join a small group of 5 – 10 other Readers in a video conference, from the comfort of your home or office, anywhere in the world, and go thru the whole program together!

Introductory Price >>> Just $97!

CLICK HERE for Two Easy Payments of $48.50

Private Maximizers

A Package of Private Sessions with Dax, via video conference. In the 1st Session you will run through the whole Maximizer program, just like you would in the group, only privately, one-on-one with Dax! In the 2nd Session we will reinforce the learnings, resources and states from Session #1, and work on any lingering issues. Bonus Session: In a 3rd Bonus Session you will be able to continue the work thus far, or use the session for any other issue you want to work on!

Introductory Price >>> Just $297!

CLICK HERE for Two Easy Payments of $148.50

Dax Carlisle, DD, CCH, CTM — In his hypnosis practice, in addition to Psychic Development, Dax specializes in Smoking Cessation. As an Air Force Veteran, he particularly focuses on active duty military, veterans and their families, who smoke at rates up to double the national average.

Dax also works with clients on PTSD, Stress, Pain Management, Anxieties, Fears (phobias), Public Speaking and Weight Management…………

Dax is a Certified Tarot Master, Consulting Hypnotist, and Life Coach. He is the Creator & Instructor of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course and the Executive Producer of Psychic Talk Radio.

For more information or to ask questions, message Dax from our
Facebook Page: or email:

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