Trust Yourself! – Part 1 …On The “Compassionate Light Healing & Guidance” Hour

Angelic Channel and Healer Catharine Han begins a *New Series of shows, for August, on: Trusting Yourself!

Part 1. >>> Hello beautiful souls!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! It was a weekend of some ups and downs but I hope that this weekend was a time for you to let go of those that no longer belong in your life so you can make room for those things that are meant for you to step into.

This week we have Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Uriel stepping forward for this powerful energy that you may be feeling in this week along with Archangel Chamuel being there for us to help us to feel into the energy of love that is meant for us during this time when we will be working on ourselves.

This week’s energy is not going to be as smooth as the last couple of weeks that we have had. Yes we are meant to move forward but there are going to be a few hiccups along the way to help us to grow and trust ourselves even more.

The Archangels are reminding us that who we truly are are beings who know everything that we need to know as well as possess all the gifts and abilities that we need in order to step into our purpose but it is about discovering those gifts and abilities and the knowledge we have within us that is part of the growth process.

So what have you learned about yourself in the past few weeks? What is it that you are able to do that you have learned about yourself?

The Archangels want you to take what it is that you have learned and apply it through the challenges and experiences that come your way this week. Through the different situations that happen in your life this week, what is it that you need to remember about yourself in order to see yourself grow from this experience? Remember that everything that happens in our life is meant for us to learn from so what is it that you are meant to learn?

Also the Archangels want us to be able to take these situations that come our way and raise our vibration. We can raise our vibration by changing our perspective on those things that are thrown our way. So what situations and experiences are being thrown at you where the Divine is showing you that you are more than capable of changing the perspective on and showing you that you can get through it and you can grow from this experience?

Remember this month is about trusting in yourself and trusting in your abilities. How can you trust in yourself through the opportunities that come your way this week?

Sending you all lots of love and light 💖💖💖

Catch Part 2 of this Series: Click Here

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