Professional Readers! …Join Us For 2020! …Professional Membership, Certification, Courses, *New Radio Host Option

…..This is a great time to ramp-up for the rest of 2020! Professional Readers, join The Tarot Guild today – The international organization for Professional Tarot Readers, Since 2004!

You’ll get your Tarot Guild Certificate of Membership, and we also include Certification, at the CTR (Certified Tarot Reader) level, so you will be seen as a serious Professional!

*NEW Radio Host “Business in a Box” Package:


Psychic Talk Radio has also teamed-up with The Guild to offer an additional Option, for 2020! >>> The Radio Host “Business in a Box” Package! You will be able to establish yourself as The Expert, and a Leader in The Field, as a Radio Host, on our Network!

You will receive promotion, weekly appearances on our radio shows, your own Page:, professional email address:, and your own Blog on our website.

You will also receive your The Guild Professional Membership, and CTR Certification, included! …Along with all the other benefits. …Find Out More, about ALL the Options, and Join Us Today, at:

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