A Year to allow in more of Your Light! ….”Wisdom of The Soul”, with Janice Fuchs!

The “Wisdom of The Soul” Show, with Host Janice Fuchs, LCSW   …Connecting to Universal Love and Wisdom through your Connection to Your Soul!

This Monday, Janice has an article for you:

A Year to allow in more of Your Light!

Can 2023 be a year to allow in more of your light?
The more we allow our Soul to light up our mind and body the more Soul-centered we become. Our companion is no longer the frightened and insatiable ego-child but the thoughtful expression of our soul.
In reviewing the year, the Soul looks with love while the ego wants to criticize. The Soul brings to mind all acts of kindness toward the self and others this past year. It points out each accomplishment big or small it was all SIGNIFICANT.
The Soul source basks in the being of YOU and allows your mind to settle so you can also feel this past year’s glorious expression of you.
WITH the Soul’s guidance and love the challenges and pain experienced make more sense as the soul reveals its purpose of learning. Each year brings such joy, and the many anxieties and frustrations we associate with certain life circumstances. The soul makes sense of it all and always by our side, explains the purpose of our journey. We are all growing at tremendous speed whether we are conscious of it or not.
Your soul brings you to yet another year, to allow the light of your love in more, to express fully who you are and what you have to share.
2023 will ring in more experiences; joyful and uncomfortable giving us the chance to choose to enhance our lives with its love, light, and wisdom. The Soul kindly thanks you for this year as we gently close its door, to hear a new knock, we answer once more…
Happy New Year!!
~ Love & Light, Janice
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