YOU Are The Host! ….Launch Your Show Today!

Whether you have always wanted to Host your own LIVE Radio Show, or to do a pre-recorded Podcast, or BOTH! …You can do it ALL with us, here at “Psychic Talk Radio”!

You can Host your Own Show, Live, once a month, bi-weekly, or weekly. With a phone bank of 50 Lines, for your Listeners to Call In (if you want to take calls), plus a Chat Room.

You can host solo, or better yet, get one or two friends/colleagues to Co-Host with you!

…Most importantly, you don’t have to go it alone! You will have 17 other Hosts (and growing), and Shows 7 Days a Week, promoting you and your show, helping you out, and lending you their years of experience …We are in our 9th year of broadcasting!

…It’s entirely up to YOU! ….The Options are Many, and The Sky is The Limit!

Start Your Journey to Becoming a Host TODAY!

Find Out More Details …Click  “Become A Host”  at the Top of This Page!

…Or visit:

Contact our Executive Producer, Dax Carlisle, to explore all of your options, and get all of your questions answered! Fastest Way: <<< Send a Message, or email:


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