Calling All Astrologers!

Are you an Amazing Astrologer, who has be practicing for years now?? Do you just Love Astrology; and enjoy talking about it, with anyone who will listen!? Do you have Deep Insights into astrological phenomena, and their effect on the World as a whole, in addition to individuals? ….Would you like to Share your Love of Astrology and your Insights with the World?

Get in touch with us if you are, or if you know some folks like this, share the link to this post with them! We are looking for a few Passionate Astrologers, who would like to create a Weekly Astrology Show, here on The Psychic Talk Radio Network!

We would like to have two or three Astrologers join us on the Network, and discuss Astrology in depth, for our Listeners, and perhaps give a weekly Report on what’s happenin’ in the heavens!

If you’d be interested in this opportunity, grab an Astrologer friend/colleague or two, and get a hold of us! You can read more about being a host on Psychic Talk here: Become a Host

Contact our Executive Producer, Dax Carlisle, at: or

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