The Death Card Invites You to Let Go of the Past and Embrace Change!

March 24th, 2018

Today is the 24th, which reduced (2+4=6) to “6”. 6 is the Number of The Nurturer in Numerology. It’s a Day for Nurturing & Growth. An ideal Day to sign contracts or make long-term commitments!

Before you jump into something, however, ask yourself “Is that
true for me?” The 6 Energy is very loyal and is about being true to yourself.

The whole Date: March 24th, 2018 reduces (3+2+4+2+0+1+8=20=2+0=2) to a “2”. 2 is about Duality, Relationships, Cooperation, Mediation. It’s very aligned with the 6 Energy ….Hearth and Home – this is a good Day to cultivate harmony in your life, home and relationships!

Listen to your Intuition on a 2 Day, and beware of a tendency towards being a bit too clingy, co-dependent or sensitive…. 

Like the “2”, The Page of Swords is a great mediator and negotiator …diplomatic, with grace. The Queen of Swords, independent and analytical – both are very decisive. The Queen of Swords is intelligent, made wise through suffering  & loss, and courageous, like The Strength Card.

The “2” and “6” Energies tend to be more like the Cups cards, in Tarot, so with two swords cards showing up, this is a reminder to not just follow your heart blindly. …Use Your Head!

The Death card is the end of a cycle or phase …You will have to let go of any attachments to the Past. This will require inner Strength – You may be ending a relationship, or moving house, or ending a job.

By letting go of the Past and embracing the Change, it will be a smooth transition…..

Blessings, Dax

Interested in Learning Numerology & Tarot?
Check out Dax’s Course: Tarot by The Numbers™


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