Remember You Are The King (or Queen) of Your Castle, and Look for The Synchronicities!


So what’s the difference between a Coincidence and a Synchronicity? The dictionary says a coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. It says a synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Synchronicity was coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl G. Jung, in the 1950’s.

This concept was inspired to him by a patient’s case that was in situation of impasse in treatment. Her exaggerate rationalism (animus inflation) was holding her back from assimilating unconscious materials.

One night, the patient dreamt a golden scarab – cetonia aurata. The next day, during the psychotherapy session, a real insect this time, hit against the Jung’s cabinet window. Jung caught it and discovered surprisingly that it was a golden scarab; a very rare presence for that climate.

Behind all these phenomena Jung places the archetype, the constellation of an archetype (Tarot), which, in his view, is a process that engages equally objective manifestations, in the physical world, and subjective ones, in the psychological universe.

We see this a lot in psychic-work. I always say this is how Tarot actually works! A collaboration of Synchronicities. I call it: Psychronicity (psychic-synchronicity)! Many still dismiss these as coincidence, but I go by the Rule of Three – if something occurs 3 or more times, it defies statistical probability.

These are happening all the time, all around us, but we simply don’t notice or , again, dismiss it as pure coincidence…

Today is the 3rd Day in a row that the Number, on Card of the Day , matched the Date Reduced ….Synchronicity! 

I notice this often happens to remind us that we’re on the right track. The Universe speaks to us, thru The Tarot, and let’s us know – Hey! This is really working!  I hope this also means I am on the right track with Dax’s Dailies, and that you are enjoying these, and getting some good information & inspiration!

The whole Date reduces to 4 – Structure! The Day is “6” – Nurturing & Growth, The Number of Hearth & Home. The Emperor reminds you that You are the King (or Queen) of Your Castle! Time to Take Charge!

Speaking of Hearth & Home, here’s Penny and Coco – we know who’s really in charge….

The Eight of Wands also makes an appearance. This is literally the Card of Synchronicity! 8 is the Number of Abundance. As soon as you Take Charge, things will happen quickly for you, and you will be in the Flow of Abundance….

With the Nurturing-Energy of the 6-Day, you will tempted to help family and friends …Not that this is a bad thing, but take a moment and say to yourself “Is this right for me?”!

……Lastly, as you go thru this coming week, be mindful of the Synchronicities! 

Blessings, Dax 

P.S. ……Maria and I had a LOT of Fun on our “Psychic Sunday” show today! We discusses some Tarot Certification, and about starting your own radio show or podcast! ….Listen anytime at:

Interested in Learning Numerology & Tarot?
Check out Dax’s Course: Tarot by The Numbers™


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