The Page of Wands Invites You To Embrace Your Passion

March 22nd, 2018


Today The Page of Wands asks you to face the F.E.A.R. and embrace your Passion!

The 22nd – 4/22 – is Structure & The Master Builder. It’s a day to lay the foundation for something. The whole Date: March 22, 2018, reduced to a 9 – The End of The Cycle, The Philanthropist …and what you lay the foundation for now, will help others.

…Wands are the Fire Element ….The Page of Wands invites you to follow your Passion!

In follow your Passion, you can help the most people. This will involve study and exploration, and should be quite exciting!

…But it also means perhaps doing something New. Thinking outside the box. Going outside of your comfort zone. This will bring up F.E.A.R. …False Evidence Appearing Real.

Fear brings up feelings and physiological responses that are similar to Excitement! It’s because they are merely different sides to the same coin. The secret is to face the Fear and move through it, to the other side, Excitement!

4 is about Learning and Teaching. This fits in perfectly with the Page of Wands, who intently studies his wand, in the card. Notice he is in a foreign land, exploring – talk about stepping out of your comfort zone!

Take a risk, on a 4 Day, on something your really desire. It’s a great Day to sign up for a course, go to the bookstore, or outline your own course – to teach others!

9’s are about Endings, so if anything is weighing you down, or keeping you from following your Passion, today is the Day to clear all that out! Today ponder how to lay the foundation and use your Passion to help others, then go take the first steps!

Blessings, Dax

Interested in Learning Numerology & Tarot?
Check out Dax’s Course: Tarot by The Numbers™


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