Awaken! ….”Wisdom of The Soul”, with Janice Fuchs!

The “Wisdom of The Soul” Show, with Host Janice Fuchs, LCSW   …Connecting to Universal Love and Wisdom through your Connection to Your Soul!

This Monday, Janice has an article for you:


It is a season of awakening and remembering who you are and where you come from- born from love and into love.
The ego has other ideas and thoughts to share that does not reflect this knowledge. When does the ego share its love with you? When will thinking the same ideas pay off? When will the critical ego ever be happy with you?
Thoughts can be burdensome when believed; when you no longer do, they become light as a feather. Belief systems create nothing more than a scary fairytale leading into a story of sadness.
Living outside of any hurtful belief has a huge payoff, leading to your reality of love. This reality is quite happy with you as is and your life as is; there is loud applause waiting for you to hear. Your love lives outside the thinking mind, and you cannot think your way into feeling who you are and what that holds for YOU.
The season give up the ego and see what your loving soul wants to bring to YOU and what it has to share with YOU- this reality is a beautiful dream come true.
~ Love & Light, Janice
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If you would like support and guidance to hear your wisdom join for an online group on learning how to connect to the wisdom of your soul! The next session is in a couple of weeks… PM me for details
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