A Breath of Fresh Air! …”Wisdom of The Soul”

The “Wisdom of The Soul” Show, with Host Janice Fuchs, LCSW   …Connecting to Universal Love and Wisdom through your Connection to Your Soul!

Janice will be returning with *New Video Episodes in September!

This Monday, Janice has an article for you:


A Breath of Fresh Air…


With the Soul, we breathe fresh life into a weary mind and body.
Increased knowledge and beliefs to ponder. Limitations- no longer doors thought to be closed but merely a pause to consider whether or not to open to this newly created path.
The doors of limitation have never been locked; that was just an illusion, the magician of the mind.
As we open, we take a breath of fresh realization for all we are and now recognize ourselves to be.
Allow a moment with your Soul, take a breath, and see the doors that appeared bolted shut opening beautifully for YOU.
~ Love & Light, Janice
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