More Than a Glimmer! ….”Wisdom of The Soul”

The “Wisdom of The Soul” Show, with Host Janice Fuchs, LCSW   …Connecting to Universal Love and Wisdom through your Connection to Your Soul!

This Monday, Janice has an article for you:

More Than a Glimmer!

Be sick of the mind that speaks of nothing new and often nothing good—the mind created by the past filled with the shoulds and wants of another’s making.
This mind has taken these bits of knowledge and uses them to make us feel inferior and never quite up to par. Never good enough or perfect enough, and in this framework, our light appears dim.
There is, however, a glimmer of hope, a knowing within of something much more. Follow this spark, feel its warmth and welcoming- its love. Let it draw you in, listen, hear and explore a new relationship for the Self. It is the opposite of the ego’s voice- it is always on your side, helping you understand yourself and supporting every dream you desire.
This tiny spark is filled with more power and knowledge than a world of fearful minds. It lives outside the mind and body but is felt within it and past it. Here is all the awareness of your completeness – always pure, always flawless.
Visit this place often to help soothe the mistaken mind of your child. Here undying compassion for our limited body and mind- healing all at this moment in time.
Happy Monday!
~ Love & Light, Janice
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