Joy and Satisfaction in Being YOU! ….”Wisdom of The Soul”, with Janice Fuchs!

The “Wisdom of The Soul” Show, with Host Janice Fuchs, LCSW   …Connecting to Universal Love and Wisdom through your Connection to Your Soul!

This Monday, Janice has an article for you:


Joy and Satisfaction in Being YOU!


The Soul gives us the feelings we search for in the world. These feelings are very different than what the mind produces. They are enhanced and filled with love and appreciation for your being, not your doing.

The Soul loves YOU regardless of what you think of you, and regardless of any accomplishments, you think you need to have to be loved. The agenda of the Soul is the being of YOU. The Soul enjoys each moment of your every experience.

The Soul brings joy to your joy and comfort to your pain. The Soul loves when you go in directions that feel desirable and valuable to YOU. Some people love to travel the world, some love to stay home and nest. The Soul has no judgment of your natural inclinations.

It values YOU and all that brings you to your happiness and will always be there to soothe any pain. The Soul wants you to follow your path, not the path of the world or the ego-child. The path filled with your inner happiness is always the way to go.

When we receive all the beautiful feelings from the Soul and not the world it gives us the freedom to be to enjoy our being and to listen and accept what brings us our peace. The agenda of the ego-child and the Soul are very different which one will you choose today.

Thanks for reading and sharing my practice!

~ Love & Light, Janice
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